PR in my head .vs. PR in reality

When I first heard of PR I was watching a reality show called Interning with Marie Claire. It showed 3 young women competing for a job at Marie Claire. They rushed around the hectic city of the Big Apple doing tasks the editors would give them. They wrote press releases, helped out during photos shots, and called journalist inviting them to events the magazine were hosting. Even though every episode had them running around in heels, sweating, and doing a million task with very little time to finish it. It always ended with one of them going to fabulous parties, drinking champagne, and meeting celebrities and famous designers. I WAS HOOKED!! I thought this is what I want to do with my life. Travel, meet interesting people and represent brands. In my mind, this is what PR was all about. And I wasn’t being naïve I knew it wasn’t all parties and designer dresses, there was obviously going to be hard work. It’s safe to that “there was going to be hard work” was an understatement. PR in reality is more than just writing press releases, and not all PR jobs are in the entertainment industry. Public Relations is the management of communication between an organization and its publics. It involves a lot more than just talking to people but building a connection with the consumers. Gaining their trust so that they can trust your company. I also learned communication is important because if you don’t communicate with your audience how will the company know whether they have satisfying their customers. The best way to communicate is through social media, like Twitter and Facebook. PR in the real world is more about typing on your laptop then it is twirling in dresses.

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